Montana Interstate 15 Rest Stops

On this page, you'll find all of the rest stops in Montana along the Interstate 15 highway we have data for.

The links below will take you to the rest stops on I-15 that run through Montana. From there, you can find information about the facilities available and directions to visit the rest area.

Rest Area Nearest Place Direction Mile Marker Exit
Bannack Historical Marker Dillon South 55 -
Dearborn Rest Area Wolf Creek South 239 -
Dearborn Rest Area Wolf Creek North 239 -
Divide (Feeley) Rest Area Divide North 108 -
Divide (Feeley) Rest Area Divide South 108 -
Jefferson City Rest Area Jefferson City North 177 -
Jefferson City Rest Area Jefferson City South 178 -
Lima Rest Area Lima - - 15
Rest Area Conrad - - 339
Sweetgrass Rest Area Sweetgrass - - 397
Teton River (Dutton) Rest Area Dutton North 318 -
Teton River (Dutton) Rest Area Dutton South 318 -
Turnout Wolf Creek South 222 -
Turnout Wolf Creek North 222 -
Turnout Cascade South 245 -
Turnout Shelby North 361 -
Turnout Great Falls North 288 -
Turnout Great Falls South 288 -
Turnout Boulder North 161 -
Turnout Butte South 130 -
Turnout Dillon South 34 -
Turnout Dillon North 34 -